Three Point Survival Code: Building Resiliency
In order to build resiliency this workshop is designed to identify three dominant factors. The Human factor – The Balance factor – The. Choice factor. When these areas are defined in greater detail and combined they will help the participants overcome the barriers that interferes with being resilient and provide strategies for greater personal and professional success. Participants will also be given the top five areas of life to focus on in developing the mindset and behavior of resilience.
Managing Through Life’s Transitions: Twelve Lessons from the Airport (3-PART SERIES)
This session uses the very common experience of a traveling through the airport to dramatize how our daily
life experiences can be used to improve the success of our journey through life. We will demonstrate the connection between selecting a flight and selecting a course in life, carrying unknown baggage and carrying unhealthy beliefs.
We will look at how putting on your oxygen mask first in an emergency can help us assess the options we have in place for our daily life’s emergencies. The participants will walk away with a minimum of 12 additional tools for managing life’s transitions all attached to experiences that are already very familiar.
Crisis Intervention Strategies: S.C.R.E.A.M (what to do when all else fails)
As a continuation of the “Managing Anger Yours and Mine “ and “Successfully Coping with Stress” programs,
participants will understand specific steps to manage the emotional energy which has built up as a result of periods of high stress, ongoing anger or when traditional coping methods may be exhausted or ineffective. Learn multiple tools to put into practice immediately for both personal and professional benefit. ”.
Improving the Customer Experience
This session will help participants through self-reflection consider the various elements involved in an average
customer’s experience. We will discuss the physical as well as the social/emotional environment that is provided for their customers.
We will talk about ways that our own attitudes and biases impact the environment that we provide and look at suggestions to improve that experience.
Make a Difference
Mr. Gentry has provided workshops, Presentations and a variety training series internationally for youth and those who work with them. The primary focus of his sessions is Respect, Management of Transition and understanding the four universal dynamics of life, Communication, Education, Conflict/Confrontation and Relationships.
Mr. Gentry’s supportive presence insight and presentations are always in high demand as he works diligently to keep his material current and relevant to the realities of his audiences.
The Universal Principles of Teambuilding
This workshop is designed to teach universal principles necessary for developing and maintaining effective teamwork especially during challenging times by using the “Seven Laws of Internal Intelligence.” If the principles are applied, participants will be able to improve communication, identify common goals and work in the spirit of harmony toward those identified goals.